Sorry about the insanely lame number of posts as of late. I don't really have any excuse besides the fact that I'm exhausted and can't seem to catch up. The past week has been interesting though that's for sure.
So all last week Jake worked super long crazy hours to try and avoid having to work all weekend, too. Well apparently they should have worked all weekend, because the long hours have dragged on into this week as well. I miss my hubby and it makes me whiny when he leaves at 5 am and doesn't get home until 5:30 or 6........
So anyways, we were really looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend since he was so worn out. It started okay, Saturday was my brother's 17th birthday and he had a barbecue so we just hung out there, and still managed to get home before 10 and planned to roll into bed...
YA RIGHT... At about 11, my brother Alex's good friend Caleb (who is 14) calls because he and his mom got in a fight and he got "kicked out" of his house and wanted to sleep on our couch. We said, okay no big deal as long as you tell us what happened and call your Mom... so yada yada yada he does and then some how he's at our house until last night...
I don't even know... some how his mom was okay with it...I talked to her about 87 times over the 3 days...
So there's my story.... and now I'm taking a nap.
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