Under Construction:

4:26 PM

You know how we like projects around here…. so we’ve decided to finish the basement! Starting with Jake’s office/music room. It’s coming along really well, although Jake didn’t think he was going to survive the drywall process… As you can see, he did.


Our whole basement is in absolute shambles. But I keep reminding myself that in a few more weeks this whole disaster will start reaping rewards….. like the family room that will be on the other side of this wall.


Ya, that’s my man. :o) He’s tough.


Classic Jake quote, “I didn’t realize this paint sprayer was going to, you know, spray paint all over.”

He decided to just spray the open ceiling white instead of putting up drywall in his room. It actually turned out looking pretty good! I admit, the idea kind of freaked me out at first. But anyways, that paint sprayer really did fling the stuff ALL OVER so we had to don these wonderful head/face/hair protection get ups.


Nice, eh?? (Do you see that giant mess behind me!? See! I wasn’t kidding!)


Here’s a little sneak peak! One corner of the room is this lime green color and the rest is white. It’s super fun and we’re excited to be making real progress now. The flooring will be in soon, then we can move in the rug and desk and drums and posters and vinyl cutter and mini fridge and guitars. Talk about a man cave.

More to come!

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