YM/YW Movie Night 2011

12:14 PM

Before I got called into the YW presidency, I was the miamaid’s advisor. I know, BIG CHANGE. haha! Either way, we had a really fun activity where each age group of the young men and young women made little movies based on the theme “A Fairytale Family Home Evening.” So the miamaids (all two of them!)decided to do the story of Little Red Riding Hood. They improvised the whole thing and we filmed it during mutual in one night. I filmed it and Jake edited it all into a really cute little video. We won for Best Supporting Actress, Best Actress, and Best Picture! I’d call that a success!
Red   Wolf 001

Red   Wolf 009

Red   Wolf 010

Kearney 3rd Ward Miamaids- A Fairytale Family Home Evening

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