Poor Jake spent his first real Father's Day sick. So, he stayed home from church with Gid and I had to teach our lesson all by myself! It went pretty well. The whole class sang A Poor Wayfaring Man Of Grief, which was pretty incredible. It just goes to show that I need to have more faith in the kids in our class. I didn't think they would want to sing it, so we were just going to read the verses, but they all wanted too. It really brought a unique spirit to the lesson, which was exactly what I was hoping for. And, it took up a lot of time so I didn't feel like I was rambling so much with the lesson! :o)
Anyway, Jake still got his Father's Day treat because the Bishop made sure I brought one home to him. Then, we spent a few hours hanging out outside with my family, lounging in the hammock, playing in the grass, and eating burgers.
Oh, I almost forgot!!! Jake and Ron were swinging all the kids in a big blanket and Sarah took this adorable picture of Gid! He's such a mellow baby, we have a lot of fun playing with him!