Jake and I just returned yesterday morning from a very loooooooong road trip out to Utah for Josh's wedding. Sarah drove the whole way both directions (what a champ!!) and her and Natalie kept us very entertained! I've been battling this sinus/allergy/cold gross-ness since the morning we left, so I really wasn't much help at anything. We had a lot of fun just hanging out before the wedding, got some great goodies at IKEA, I got to see Jade, and it was all very stress and drama free....which is a very rare thing if you know how life usually is in the Doan gang. I promise, promise, promise I'll convince Sarah to share some real wedding pictures, but until then, here are a few fun shots.... I must have been on too much Dayquil to remember to take a picture of the bride.... soooo sorry!
But...don't those Doan boys look soooo handsome. And if I must say, my Jake might be the shortest...but he definitely has the best hair!!! ;o)
This last one is Jake, Josh, and Alan, with their cousin Isaac. It was the first time I got to meet him. He was really funny, and very nice. I pretty much thought he was the greatest because he always wanted to play with Gideon, which means I actually got to do things. Good times with the fam!
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