I have always, ALWAYS loved Kansas City... even in high school when I took for granted my small suburban home town I loved to take weekend jaunts to the city with my girl friends. We'd pretend like we were chic and didn't really come from a small farming community, and it was always a blast.
Anyways, I've always been slightly obsessed with interior design and have been blog stalking a lot of cool designers from all over the world... and from one blog I found a link to Design Sponge.
You cannot even begin to imagine my excitement when I found that in their Guides section, they had a guide for KC! I knew that our city was filled with cool places, many of which I had been too, but this just lists so many more! So if you're looking for a totally unique and fun day in KC... check out their guide here. I can't wait to check out some of these places...
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