We've been so busy it's a little ridiculous... I have nothing really exciting to update besides the fact that we're all doing great. Gideon is jabbering all the time and I'm pretty sure only I understand his language. Ashelyn is getting so big all ready with her chubby cheeks! My mom pulled out some of my baby pictures last night while we stopped by and oh my does my little girl look like me... I probably shouldn't be that shocked, but I was. It's crazy!
Onto other business:
Jake, along with some help from my Dad and his wonderful connections, is throwing a Skate Jam on September 6th. Things are really starting to come together but I would really love if you would all cruise over to the website and e-mail us any bugs you find so that we can get it all smoothed out for registration...
Go here : http://lemonfreshclothing.com/skate_event/
Thanks guys! We appreciate it!
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