So this is as far as I've gotten on Ashelyn's room. I know, I know... So much left to do. I still need to hang her letters, and make something like this: (only I hate the polka dots on the houndstooth... TOO BUSY.) to hold all of her hair bows. Also in the works is refinishing the crib, making a new pillowcase & quilt, spray-painting a lamp & revamping the shade, and I'm also on the hunt for a cool rug. Also, the flower thing that is dangling above her crib is going to be joined with more in various sizes and colors as well as a paper lantern or two for fun.
Gideon's room is about to be tackled as well! Jake is going to build him a loft bed and he's going to have an EXPLORER theme. It's gonna rock. I love projects!