NYC: Day 2
3:45 PMOn Saturday, Jake woke me up at 6 am. Which is 5 am home time. I about died. Then once he talked to me enough about how he couldn’t sleep that I was totally awake… he fell back asleep. FIGURES! So I took a bubble bath! It was so nice to have completely quiet, uninterrupted “me” time. Pretty much I just fell asleep in the bath. haha!
So then when Jake woke back up at about 8 we decided to head to Times Square. Only problem was it was ridiculously cold. No, like so cold my eyes wouldn’t stop running and that I knew snot was running out of my nose, I just couldn’t feel it. Oh, and I hadn’t brought anything more than my light jacket. Crappity.
So we went to H&M and I found a little hat to wear and threw on the scarves that I brought. Then we just did the touristy thing….
We did a little shopping and picked up some things to bring home to the kiddos. We had planned on going to a Broadway show that night, but ended up getting a great deal on tickets to Comic Strip Live. If you’re a Seinfeld fan it’s the place Jerry does stand up in the opening credits and the list of comic alums who have performed there is ridiculous! We had soooooooooooo much fun!!! The comics were great and we were right by the stage (if you can even call it that… it’s tiny!) It was totally perfect for us! We love a good laugh. We were bummed not to see a Broadway show but that just means we’ll have to visit again! The weather wasn’t as frigid by that evening, so we enjoyed the looooong walk back to the hotel and picked up a pizza on our way. Note to self: You DO NOT need an entire EXTRA LARGE PIZZA PIE for just two people. No matter how hungry you think you are…. Holy. Smokes.
We <3 NY style pizza!!! YUMMY!!! We thought about renting Blindside… then when we saw that it would cost us SIXTEEN DOLLARS AND NINETY FIVE CENTS (what?!) we opted for the news! And then to bed!