NYC: Day 3
9:06 AMOn day 3 we postponed all previous plans (going to see the Empire State Building and Statue of Liberty) to walk BACK to Times Square (remembering our cash this time) with the intent of getting me some of the awesome knock-off bags we saw the day before….
Then, it started raining… so none of the “good” vendors were out. You know, all that was left were the ones with “Praba” or “Gucsi” or “Dolce & Cabana” hahaha. I know, I probably should have just bought one, but I was so bummed after seeing MUCH better knock offs the day before that I just decided it was a no-go on the purses! By then it was lunch time. (Time seriously zipped by!!) So, we went to Planet Hollywood….
I don’t know why this is the only picture I took while we were there…. but umm that’s the replica thing from Star Trek. (shout out to my trekkies!) There was lots of other cool movie memorabilia and a trivia game on the placemats that I failed at. Jake told me he was disappointed in my trivia skillz. :o)
Then we went to the Times Square visitors center and I got to molest the New Years’ Ball from Y2K….
We took these silly pictures in a photo booth…
Had a nice European girl take a picture for us…
Ate these things that looked delicious but tasted like plastic…
Saw these people….
Sorry for the profanity and the finger. It makes me laugh… :o)
Then we went to a movie…
This was the coolest movie theatre!!! You go inside and buy your tickets just like normal but then you have to go up 4 or 5 escalators to get to the actual theatres! They go right through other stores like Champs and Dave & Busters. It was really cool!! (Thx hubby for that lovely picture of me while we were waiting in line…)
We saw The Bounty Hunter. On a positive note: You get to see Gerard Butler with his shirt off. On a negative: The chemistry between him and Jen Aniston was a little off…. It was cute and funny and was definitely better than walking outside in the rain, but I’d feel better about it if I had paid a dollar to rent it from RedBox… just saying.
Once we finished with the movie we had to HAUL back to the hotel because we had a car waiting to take us to the airport. We walked through the garment district on our way back… Back to the car… The bellman convinced us that it would be “like a limousine!” (it was not) and less than a taxi (it WAS) so we took him up on the offer instead of trying to wrestle our luggage on rainy streets and through the subway. It was fun because we got to see more of the city as we were leaving instead of being underground.
Bye, NYC!!! Until next time… It was GREAT!!!