Well, Hello there…
8:35 PMJake has been hounding me lately to start blogging again. I never really intended to stop, it just sort of happened. Life gets crazy and all the sudden blogging seems like a chore and I mixed it in with all the things that I HAVE to do instead of something I WANT to do. Because really, I do want to. I started blogging because I have this great family and adorable kids and I never want to forget all the silly/crazy/wonderful/messy/emotional adventures. So here’s hoping I can keep that perspective for awhile. So now, to play catch up! Welcome to the longest post in history :)
In no particular order, this is what we’ve been up to the past SEVEN months. Enjoy.
Ashe turned 2 on June 19th.
We had Spenser & Andy stay with us for something like 6 weeks. It was all sorts of ridiculous. We went to a Royals game at some point…
And then as if our little house wasn’t crowded at that point. We had Jade and Tim (plus their little TJ and my awesome cousin Dee) come visit too!
We went to Care’s wedding. I might have been a brides
maid, er… matron? Jake made really cool shirts that the wedding party all changed in to after the ceremony. Did I mention Jake is now a full time designer/ screen printer extraordinaire? Oh ya… that happened too. :)
We went to Nauvoo… Can you even believe that Jake took this picture and it hasn’t been edited at all?! That’s happiness right there…
And since Jade’s hubby had never been we did all the fun touristy stuff. And for some reason we thought it would be a good idea to camp and the girls ended up with the worst bug bites in the history of the world… I’ll spare you THAT picture though.
We went to Carthage too. Andy had been giving me a hard time the whole time they were staying with us that when I married Jake, I knew I was getting him at the same time. So I was “their” wife… some sort of weird reverse polygamy. They’re definite weirdos. Anyways, so Jake thought it would be SO FUNNY to get a family picture with Andy…. not awkward at all.
Luckily, I have a picture with my REAL husband…you know, the one I actually willingly married for eternity :)
We went down to visit my Grandpa and Phyllis and went canoeing. We stopped at this really cool old foot bridge on the way down and took a picture… with our phone, so not great.
Jake mastered the art of grilling… No, seriously.
We spent A LOT of time at the skate park. Only this summer Jake decided to take up BMX-ing. And learned the importance of wearing a helmet. Hello concussion…
Hellloooooo helmet!!
We went to the circus.
Oh, I guess I should also mention that we’re having another baby! You know, the end of December. Little Boy #2 will be here so soon, it’s crazy! Now if we could just get our house in order and decide on a name… suggestions anyone?
I think that covers the most important things. There might be a few more random things I come across that I feel the need to post and then things should be back to normal around here.