Gideon’s New Toy:
1:03 PMSo, I never thought I would be into this, but is this not the cutest thing you’ve ever seen!?!?
Ya. Gideon has a 4 wheeler. He does in fact have a helmet, I’m not sure why J didn’t have it on him. He does have a safety on the throttle so he can’t make it go too fast, which helps keep my crazy-paranoid-mom-brain under control. The kids all went for a little ride on Thanksgiving even though it was FREEZING. They love it!
Ashelyn gets to “ride” too. But Jake just runs along with her controlling the throttle…. and the brake, haha! Mostly she just likes to snuggle her Grampa and Gramma and watch!
Of course Jake is a project guy, so he has big plans for this little quad! Nothing but custom for Gid the kid!