For you Gid:

12:22 PM

Hey Gid!

Remember how at church yesterday you snuck away from your Daddy's "watchful" eyes and pulled the fire alarm? Oh, good times.

Mommy was sitting in sacrament with Ashelyn and much to everyone's surprise the fire alarm starts blaring and the lights start flashing. Everyone starts to whisper... "I hope that wasn't one of mine." But I just knew... "I bet that's Gid," I said.

I've never known another child who managed to do this. Everyone was astounded. How did you reach up that high and get through the "child proofing" all with one little hand?

I hope your happy. Because of that stunt you pulled, Bro. T hunted me down and gave me a new calling. (A new calling that makes me want to pull my hair out.) That I'm so not excited for.

Thanks buddy.

Sure Love Ya!!!


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