Before the camera killing incident we did manage to get a few pictures from Ashelyn's party. We had big plans for a bbq at the park, but it rained ALL day so we just had everyone at our house. It was a blast! Thanks everyone for coming!Ashe just wasn't feeling too good. She apparently has allergies because her eyes were all red and itchy and her nose was (and still is) running constantly. No fun for the birthday girl.
But she still ate up all of her cake! :o) Gramma Kim made her all these adorable little hats to match the various dresses she's made. They rock.
Costume change! After cake she was covered in frosting (and snot) so luckily I've got 12 million dresses for her to wear! Jake and I got her a princess ride-on which she now LOVES. But at the beginning she was WAY more interested in the box. Of course.
Gramma Jenny& Grampa Ron got her a baby doll and Jenny made the cutest doll quilt to go with it... I wish I had a picture, it's so great! Sarah & her fam got her the stroller to go with baby! She is soooo in love with this stroller. Only problem is, she has to wrestle Gideon for it!
Thanks again everybody! We love you!
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